Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Goes By.

It seems like a very long time since I'v blogged on this, but I actually only think it's been under a week or so. Oh well, no matter.

So as of late I'v been up to sweet fuck as per usual. Just bumming round town fiddling with new tunes on my guitar etc. But on a much brighter note Meagan and Darragh are back, I'm so happy that they are I missed them loads.

I still haven't seen Darragh though and he's been back for two days now.
Yesterday was because I was comforting Meagan as she just got her tonsiles out so I was seeing how she was. And I won't see him or her today as I was sick all night last night, I went to bed at 11.30 and then started getting sick something foul. And I'd lost all my energy so I was on the toilet getting sick for about an hour. Now, that's never good.
However, I did manage to summon the strength to bring myself to a bed, where I dosed off until this morning, My mother waking up with energy drinks and water to make myself feel much better :)

Well, I can't think of much else to talk about right now, so 'll leave you all to it :)

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