Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Weekend Antics.

Oh so the weekend antics come to an end and I am totally wrecked.

It started off with an 18th on Saturday night which I have already described in my previous blog.

The came Sunday, just your usual evening band practice until Niall says, "Are you going to this party tonight?" I reply "This is the first I'v heard of it" so I ask the mother anyways and to my surprise I'm allowed to go. (:
So we arrive there and it's pretty dry as I have no drink and there's no one there.
As time passes though I get a couple of cans in me, just enough for a buzz. Then I'v to walk to Val's house (guitarist of The Curtain Thieves) so we can retrieve a bottle of wine, the walk there was grand halting for a number of piss stops on the way. So we get there and as we're being quiet as possible we just hear giggling from the living room, it's Val's cousin watching a t.v program. So we leave the house and the walk back is just as dandy as the one there until the guards pull up beside us and see us with our cans and the wine. He tells us we're not allowed to drink publicly in Blackrock so we tell him we're just going to a party and all was okay.

Until we realize that he goes to the party and tells them to knock the music off as you can hear it from Dundalk which is quite false to be honest. So the party goes on for another while including a lovely sing along around the piano. But at 3 in the morning we're told to go home as the mother has work in the morning. So we went back to Darren's house and there I fell asleep until Monday morning.

So it's Monday, Camping Day. I'm home from Darren's and showered, packed all my things and I'm ready to go. The bus being at 6oclock and my lift not coming until 5.30 I was afraid we'd miss the bus, but we got there with plenty of time to spare :)

So we arrive in Ravensdale forrest and the eventful night begins with Meagan & I having a little row over something stupid which was quickly resolved by a simple apology by myself.
Then the fun starts, we crack open cans and naggins and bottles of Bulmers and have the times of our lives. The drunk craic is by far the best when it's sensible of coarse. Then Noonan arrives several hours later to become drunk and reveal the identity of The Truth to the whole campsite, which I didn't really care about although when I tried to kick him I actually think I broke my foot seeing as I kicked a rock by accident. Afterwards me and Meagan climb into our tent and just konk out until 8 in the morning.

We wake and her stepdad collects us and takes us to Meagan's house where we get changed and pass out on the couch until 4 oclock =D We awake and then watch t.v until 7.30 which is when my mam came and took me home.
I got home had a shower and here I am telling you all about it.

So all's i have to say now is. Teenage weekends are the best days I'll ever have.

Peace out guys (:

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