Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekended Antics

Hello everyone. I think this blog thing will be used quite a lot seeing as I'v been here for a day and this is my third post.

So this blog is just to say that the weekend has been awesome so far. On Friday I spent all night in Meagan's house just sitting watching t.v and talking. The Saturday (Last night) I was at an 18th which was quite an insane night. The Curtain Thieves played but the set got cut short as neighbours (I don't think I spelt that correctly.)were starting to get angry and call "the fuzz". But that didn't stop them playing three more electric tunes which pleased me quite a lot. So here I am the morning after, not even hungover and full of energy, weird huh?

And today should be an easy day, probably go into town to see the lads and to see Meagan. :)
Then it's back to my house with The Gorilla Warfare for a band practice for Wednesdays gig with local bands The Curtain Thieves and Third Smoke. Gonna be a sweet ass gig and practice as we're doing two new covers and I wrote a new song on Friday night which I am aching to show the rest of them.

Then Monday comes and..... *drum roll* We go camping in Ravensdale. :D
I'll write nothing on that until the experience happens.
So anyways, I'll probably not write here until Tuesday evening so until then take care.

- The Truth. X

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